Recent Happenings

I was in high school when this event happened to me.
On a fateful afternoon, my brother came to visit me at the hostel escorted by his friends Collins, my brother did the introduction and we exchanged numbers, only for me to discover that that was the beginning of my woes.
Weeks later, I got a call from Collins telling me to meet him at a fast food joint. He asked if we could be friends and I didn’t see anything wrong in it since he is my brother’s friend, so I agreed.
He visited me regularly with gifts which made me grow fonder of him and we became more intimate. In the course of our friendship, he made sexual advances which made me threatened to break off our friendship but he pleaded and promised to change.
Months later, he invited me to his apartment off campus, I agreed without knowing he had something up his sleeve. We ate, drank and chatted; I dropped off to sleep few minutes later in the middle of our discussion which was unlike me. I woke up hours later feeling uncomfortable but I dissuaded the feeling and bid him goodbye.
I did not notice my menstrual cycle for some months, so I visited the clinic for check up. To my utter dismay, the doctor told me that I was two months pregnant with a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI).
It seemed like the world was crumbling before my very eyes and then I realized that I was used by Collins the moment I passed out at his place. I went and told him few days after about the development, he denied all allegations and kicked me out of the house. I had no choice than to live with the stigma all for the rest of my life. Then did I know that Collins was “A Wolf in a sheep’s cloth”.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow what a pity