Thursday 19 September 2013


A family consists of husband, wife and children. It is generally believed that the training of a child and the future of every society start from there. Therefore, one can safely conclude that any society which does not have an ideal family system cannot guarantee a good and peaceful environment as well as a better future. Abnormal behaviours such as sexting (you remember Weiner who wanted to be Mayor of New York), sexual harassment of subordinates (allegation against Mayor of San Diego), corruption (allegation against Hon Justice Joseph Wowo, Nigerian born former Chief Justice of Gambia) or serious crime like Boko Haram, unwarranted suicide, rampage shooting and terrorism as a way of protest, are undoubtedly regrettable consequences of a society that loses its value.
Unfortunately, noble family life has gradually eroded and family system has completely broken down on the surface of the earth. Although some have argued these are biblical signs of end time, a cursory look at the route of this will show that the problem is foundational and has to do with continued lack of respect for custom, culture and good reason.
The problem became full blown with the famous world conference of women which presumably sought to liberate women worldwide and put them on a collision course against their husbands. Many men believe that the conference redefined humanity against the way God defined it and attempted to establish women as rivals to their husbands. Modernity did not help the situation in Europe and other places. Hence the emergence of single mothers, single fathers, legal partners, gays, lesbians, call girls, foster parents, nannies, house maids and house helps. To be candid, all these have always been incessant divorce, legal separation, suicide, witchcraft and unholy fight for custody of children. Boys, girls, men, women, grandpa and grandma all now advertise for sex through the various social networks.
Bad leadership, especially in developing countries, accounts for about 60% of why good family system became a thing of the past. The politician is greedy. The military which sought to rescue the situation ended up looting the treasury. Because they stole so much money, they make laws for every family to have not more than four children, but when they realise that they acquired more wives when they became emergency billionaires, they changed the law and redirected it at women. Politicians grew up under a good family system. They went to good schools established by those who meant well for the society. They enjoyed scholarships and inherited the reins of power at a very tender age when they had the strength to positively affect their society.
Unfortunately, the leaders now come out to say that scholarship is no longer possible. They have no programme for the children. They jeopardise the cultural value of having parental consent before marriage. They engage in freelance sexual relationships, breed children like flies and induce innocent girls and sometimes married women into sex trade.
Children who are supposed to be raised jointly by the father and mother and society at large, are now raised by a single mum, or single dad, or two mums (lesbians), or two dads (gays) or grand mum or grand dad or foster parents. Studies have shown that a greater percentage of the children who grew up under the above circumstances become vagabonds and exhibit abnormal social behaviours at the end.
Today in many jurisdictions across the world, parental consent which used to be a major requirement before a man and a woman can be joined as husband and wife, is no longer necessary. Two adults are now perceived to be able to make a choice for each other. The consequence of this ignoble shift has been bickering in homes, incessant separation or divorce and outright neglect of the children of the marriage.
It is generally believed that the infamous world conference which sought to liberate world women ended up having a negative effect of creating world competition in peaceful homes. Or how can a woman who wants to pursue a career and surpass her husband be able to breastfeed a child for the recommended six months. Children then grow up on artificial cereal that lacks the God-given ingredients to sustain them in life. Many modern career women don’t get to meet their children until Saturday morning. They go to work 5am and return to the house every day when the children would have retired to bed. Why would drivers, door men, gate men, guards, house girls and house boys not harass the children in this circumstance.
Attempts to kill custom and culture so far have ended in killing the future of the society. In the good old days, it was fashionable for women to define themselves by the identity of their husbands like, Mrs Judy Grange, the wife of Isaiah Grange. In the modern decayed days, women take pride in self. They acquire properties without telling their husbands. They exercise their unlimited freedom to join societies of their choice, go for meetings and unscheduled journeys, not minding the effect on the family. Unfortunately, after acquiring the fortune, what they are able to get belongs to them alone, while the one suffered for by the husband is commonwealth.
Yet, under the various Marriages Acts, the husband is under obligation to provide food, housing and accommodation to his wife. The leaders are so greedy and they always pursue an agenda each time they domesticate foreign laws or treaties without caution. Hence, no proviso, to guard against the subjugation of men to their wives in equality laws, under the guise of a gender induced world conference. Studies have shown that about 90% of men who suffer harassment from their wives are unable to speak out. There are stories of women are so criminally minded that cut off their husband’s manhood as a result of disagreement.
However, modern gender liberation struggle no doubt has earned more advantages to women. Women live longer life than their husbands. The reason is that a thoroughly stressed and harassed man cannot stand the rigours of life. The man goes back home quickly and prematurely while the woman remains on the surface of the earth and enjoy the fruit of labour of the hapless man.
Children raised under a decayed family system are no doubt a threat to the society whereas, children raised under an ideal family system usually bring hope and peace. The best material for marriage used to be from the church or mosque or prayer homes, but now, attention has shifted to spouses from an ideal family setting where father lived with mother and the children of the marriage.
Prayer may not be enough for the return of an ideal family system. We may need to rebrand and re-orientate society that recklessness or negligence or competition in marriage cannot carry any woman far. The children will suffer at the end of the day. Women should discard the philosophy that one man cannot fill a woman’s cupboard as there is no need for a woman’s cupboard to be filled. Women need not to compete with men, but complement their husbands. As regards the men, although the God who created the earth has ordained the man as the head, they should realise that women are not tails after all. The task of having an ideal society lies in men and women.

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