Monday 23 September 2013

Confirm Your Admission and Get Your JAMB Admission Letter

You can check your admission status for free and get your admission letter here
The Original JAMB Admission letter is a document that officially certifies that you have been offered provisional admission into any degree programme in a Nigerian Higher Institution.

The admission letters currently available are admissions from the year 2004 to 2013.

It contains information about the school you were offered admission, the faculty/school/college, department, the degree you are pursuing and the duration of the course.

Without this document, you cannot authentically prove to any body that you were offered admission into any higher institution in Nigeria. It is issued by ONLY JAMB, the official Educational board in Nigeria for Tertiary Institutions.
Uses Of this document

Sample of Jamb admission letter
 The JAMB Admission Letter is very important as it is usually required if;

1. You need to successfully complete your admission registration and clearance process.
2. You need to be approved and deployed for the National Youth Service Programme (NYSC).
3. You need to succesfully apply for a scholarship. Most Companies and Organizations will request for it.
4. You need to further your education locally or abroad.

As you can see, the document is exceptionally important hence the need to protect it and ensure that it is always available to you.

The Original JAMB Admission letters from 2004 to 2013 are currently available and Myschool trained staff can professional help you get it and send it to your email box, making sure you ALWAYS have it available to you anytime, anywhere.

The copy we are sending to your email box is Original and JAMB Approved and has the following advantages;

1. It is the Original Copy from JAMB and is accepted in any school or Organization.
2. It will be sent to your email box where you can reprint anytime and anywhere you are.
3. No scratch card is required for re-printing. Print hundreds of times.
4. It is always safe in your box. Even if you misplace one copy, simply log into your email box and reprint the original.

How to Obtain your Admission letter
The 1st step to getting your admission letter is to check your admission status for that year to ensure you have been admitted. Once you have confirmed your admission status,
Either you choose the 1st or 2nd Method
1. You are to pay the sum of N1800 (One Thousand Eight Hundred Naira only) and the admission letter will be sent to your email. To get full bank details on how to pay, email: Note that after payment is confirmed, the admission letter will be sent to your email
after 6hrs in pdf format which you can reprint as many times as you wish. Thanks. 
After payment, you will be given the number that you will send your information like [Service Type], [Admission Year], [JAMB REG. NO],[Email] and [phone number]

Note the admission that will be sent to you is of 3pages, the 1st page is about Efcc (You don't need to print), the 2nd page is the admission letter (for institution use only) and the 3rd page is admission letter (for candidate use only). All will be sent to you.
2.  You have to get the admission letter scratch card at Jamb office at Ikoyi and then go online to process it. After that, you download the file in pdf format you can now print and attach it to your mail. Any mistake on the Reg no, the scratch it useless, you have to get another be very careful.
Thanks, you can also visit more updates of my blog page and  for your school projects for free.

Thursday 19 September 2013


A family consists of husband, wife and children. It is generally believed that the training of a child and the future of every society start from there. Therefore, one can safely conclude that any society which does not have an ideal family system cannot guarantee a good and peaceful environment as well as a better future. Abnormal behaviours such as sexting (you remember Weiner who wanted to be Mayor of New York), sexual harassment of subordinates (allegation against Mayor of San Diego), corruption (allegation against Hon Justice Joseph Wowo, Nigerian born former Chief Justice of Gambia) or serious crime like Boko Haram, unwarranted suicide, rampage shooting and terrorism as a way of protest, are undoubtedly regrettable consequences of a society that loses its value.
Unfortunately, noble family life has gradually eroded and family system has completely broken down on the surface of the earth. Although some have argued these are biblical signs of end time, a cursory look at the route of this will show that the problem is foundational and has to do with continued lack of respect for custom, culture and good reason.
The problem became full blown with the famous world conference of women which presumably sought to liberate women worldwide and put them on a collision course against their husbands. Many men believe that the conference redefined humanity against the way God defined it and attempted to establish women as rivals to their husbands. Modernity did not help the situation in Europe and other places. Hence the emergence of single mothers, single fathers, legal partners, gays, lesbians, call girls, foster parents, nannies, house maids and house helps. To be candid, all these have always been incessant divorce, legal separation, suicide, witchcraft and unholy fight for custody of children. Boys, girls, men, women, grandpa and grandma all now advertise for sex through the various social networks.
Bad leadership, especially in developing countries, accounts for about 60% of why good family system became a thing of the past. The politician is greedy. The military which sought to rescue the situation ended up looting the treasury. Because they stole so much money, they make laws for every family to have not more than four children, but when they realise that they acquired more wives when they became emergency billionaires, they changed the law and redirected it at women. Politicians grew up under a good family system. They went to good schools established by those who meant well for the society. They enjoyed scholarships and inherited the reins of power at a very tender age when they had the strength to positively affect their society.
Unfortunately, the leaders now come out to say that scholarship is no longer possible. They have no programme for the children. They jeopardise the cultural value of having parental consent before marriage. They engage in freelance sexual relationships, breed children like flies and induce innocent girls and sometimes married women into sex trade.
Children who are supposed to be raised jointly by the father and mother and society at large, are now raised by a single mum, or single dad, or two mums (lesbians), or two dads (gays) or grand mum or grand dad or foster parents. Studies have shown that a greater percentage of the children who grew up under the above circumstances become vagabonds and exhibit abnormal social behaviours at the end.
Today in many jurisdictions across the world, parental consent which used to be a major requirement before a man and a woman can be joined as husband and wife, is no longer necessary. Two adults are now perceived to be able to make a choice for each other. The consequence of this ignoble shift has been bickering in homes, incessant separation or divorce and outright neglect of the children of the marriage.
It is generally believed that the infamous world conference which sought to liberate world women ended up having a negative effect of creating world competition in peaceful homes. Or how can a woman who wants to pursue a career and surpass her husband be able to breastfeed a child for the recommended six months. Children then grow up on artificial cereal that lacks the God-given ingredients to sustain them in life. Many modern career women don’t get to meet their children until Saturday morning. They go to work 5am and return to the house every day when the children would have retired to bed. Why would drivers, door men, gate men, guards, house girls and house boys not harass the children in this circumstance.
Attempts to kill custom and culture so far have ended in killing the future of the society. In the good old days, it was fashionable for women to define themselves by the identity of their husbands like, Mrs Judy Grange, the wife of Isaiah Grange. In the modern decayed days, women take pride in self. They acquire properties without telling their husbands. They exercise their unlimited freedom to join societies of their choice, go for meetings and unscheduled journeys, not minding the effect on the family. Unfortunately, after acquiring the fortune, what they are able to get belongs to them alone, while the one suffered for by the husband is commonwealth.
Yet, under the various Marriages Acts, the husband is under obligation to provide food, housing and accommodation to his wife. The leaders are so greedy and they always pursue an agenda each time they domesticate foreign laws or treaties without caution. Hence, no proviso, to guard against the subjugation of men to their wives in equality laws, under the guise of a gender induced world conference. Studies have shown that about 90% of men who suffer harassment from their wives are unable to speak out. There are stories of women are so criminally minded that cut off their husband’s manhood as a result of disagreement.
However, modern gender liberation struggle no doubt has earned more advantages to women. Women live longer life than their husbands. The reason is that a thoroughly stressed and harassed man cannot stand the rigours of life. The man goes back home quickly and prematurely while the woman remains on the surface of the earth and enjoy the fruit of labour of the hapless man.
Children raised under a decayed family system are no doubt a threat to the society whereas, children raised under an ideal family system usually bring hope and peace. The best material for marriage used to be from the church or mosque or prayer homes, but now, attention has shifted to spouses from an ideal family setting where father lived with mother and the children of the marriage.
Prayer may not be enough for the return of an ideal family system. We may need to rebrand and re-orientate society that recklessness or negligence or competition in marriage cannot carry any woman far. The children will suffer at the end of the day. Women should discard the philosophy that one man cannot fill a woman’s cupboard as there is no need for a woman’s cupboard to be filled. Women need not to compete with men, but complement their husbands. As regards the men, although the God who created the earth has ordained the man as the head, they should realise that women are not tails after all. The task of having an ideal society lies in men and women.

Friday 13 September 2013

Several Messages about "The Seal of the Living God" given to the visionary Maria Divine Mercy:

Several Messages about "The Seal of the Living God" given to the visionary Maria Divine Mercy:
God the Father: Rise now and accept My Seal, the Seal of the Living God  Monday, February 20th, 2012. My beloved daughter My heart heaves in sorrow for the sins of My children. Like any loving Father their wicked hatred for each other tears My heart in two. It is like a sword piercing My heart which will not go away.
I am God of the Most High who, because of the free will I have given to all of My children, will have to suffer enduring pain until the New Paradise on earth evolves. Then you will My children join in unison with My Holy Will.
Until that happens there can be no peace on earth. Only when the evil one, and those who slavishly follow the lies he promised, are destroyed finally can the world become calm.
My daughter tell My children that I do not relish the thoughts of punishing My children for I love them. They are Mine, My cherished creation. To see how the evil one has corrupted their souls is a constant torment to Me, their beloved Father. I desire to take all of you loving children who know and understand My love for you, into My beautiful New Paradise on earth. I promise you that the persecution will be swift and that you will be protected. For I now bequeath the Seal of My Love and Protection. With this you will escape the notice of those who will cause hardship in your countries.
My Seal is My promise of Salvation. My power will surge through you with this seal and no harm will come to you. This is a miracle children, and only those who bow before Me, their Lord and Creator of all things, as little children with love in their hearts for Me, can be blessed with this divine gift. Rise now and accept My Seal, the Seal of the Living God.
Recite this Crusade Prayer (33) to acknowledge My Seal and accept it with love, joy and gratitude.
 “O My God, My Loving Father, I accept with love and gratitude Your Divine Seal of Protection. Your Divinity encompasses my body and soul for eternity. I bow in humble thanksgiving and offer my deep love and loyalty to You my Beloved Father. I beg You to protect me and my loved ones with this special Seal and I pledge my life to Your service forever and ever.
I love You Dear Father. I console You in these times Dear Father. I offer You the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son In atonement for the sins of the world and for the salvation of all Your children. Amen.” Go, My children and do not fear. Trust in me, your beloved Father who lovingly created each of you. I know every single soul, every part of you is known to Me. Not one of you is loved less than the other. Because of this I do not want to lose one soul. Not one. Please continue to pray My Divine Mercy chaplet every day. One day, you will understand why this purification is needed. Your loving Father in Heaven
God of the Most High

Don’t you know that the Holy Spirit cannot and will not enter the souls of those with hardened hearts?
Wednesday, February 29th, 2012 @ 05:30 pm.  My dearly beloved daughter the timing of My Father’s will is not for your knowing. My followers must be patient as everything in the world will evolve as prophesied in My Father’s Book. All of this will be according to My Father’s timing and the effect that your prayers will have in helping to avert global wars. It is not long for all My promises to be fulfilled. You, My followers, must trust in Me, your beloved Jesus. Pray for souls and leave everything in My hands.
Never forget to pray to My Father as often as you can for the Seal of the Living God in order to protect you and your families. Crusade Prayer (33) to ask for the Seal of the Living God and accept it with love, joy and gratitude.
Ensure also that you encourage others to pray the seven day
Crusade Prayer (24) Plenary Indulgence for Total Absolution – (see also page 4) to seek redemption for your sins.
O, My Jesus, You are the light of the earth. You are the flame that touches all souls. Your mercy and love knows no bounds. We are not worthy of the sacrifice You made by Your death on the cross. Yet we know that Your love for us is greater than the love we hold for You. Grant us, O Lord, the gift of humility so that we are deserving of Your New Kingdom. Fill us with the Holy Spirit so we can march forth and lead Your army to proclaim the truth of Your Holy Word and prepare our brothers and sisters for the Glory of Your Second Coming on earth. We honor You! We Praise You! We offer ourselves, our sorrows, our sufferings as a gift to You, to save souls. We love You! Jesus have Mercy on all Your children wherever they may be! Amen.

To those who challenge this special gift of prayer in which I offer total absolution you must know this. I am Jesus Christ, the Son of Man and have been given the authority to forgive all sins. My sacred priests have also been given the power to forgive sin through the Holy Sacrament of Confession. I request that  you accept My gift of absolution for the benefit of those who cannot receive the Sacrament of Confession or for those who are not members of the Roman Catholic Church.
Would you deny these precious souls the right to My gift? Why would you try to discourage those souls who accept My Divine Word from receiving absolution? Would you rather they did not redeem themselves in My eyes?
You must show love to your brothers and sisters and be happy that they are being given this special gift by Me their beloved Jesus. Even if they never read My messages given to you, My daughter, every sinner has the right to ask Me to forgive them once they show true remorse in their souls. Open your hearts and pray for the gift of humility. Don’t you know that the Holy Spirit cannot and will not enter the souls of those with hardened hearts?
Your Divine Savior Jesus Christ
 My Seal of Protection is foretold as the second seal is broken   Thursday, March 8th, 2012 @ 07:52 pm
My dearest daughter the world has awaited this moment for two thousand years. Some with fear in their hearts, others with anticipation and wonder as to when this moment would come and now it has. This is the time I send My end time profit, you Maria, to finally present the Book of truth which reveals the contents of the Book of Revelation. I am the God for whom all of My children are crying out for in these terrible times. It is I to whom they, My distressed children, must call out for now. I gather My family together at this time so that we can unite in the final battle to slay the dragon who has tormented the earth for so long. Children do not be afraid. No harm will come to those who wear My Seal, the Seal of the Living God.
Satan and his fallen angels, who infest the world at this time, do not have the authority over those who have the Mark of the Living God. You must listen to Me children and accept My Seal for it will save not only your lives but your souls. Recite the Prayer (33) to receive My Seal every day. Ensure that each member of your family and loved ones understand the significance of My Seal. Your love for Me, your Heavenly Father, will be your saving grace and it will give you the strength that you need.

My Seal of protection is foretold as the second seal is broken. The rider of the red horse is the avenging dark angel who will slay My children in the many wars to come. But he will pass over those of My children with the seal on their foreheads. Prepare now for these wars are already happening and more are being planned in every corner of the earth and, especially, in the Middle East and in those lands upon which My precious Son, Jesus Christ, walked during His time on earth.
Your Beloved Father
God the Most High

Second Seal: World War 3   Wednesday, May 16th, 2012 @ 03:10 am. My dearest beloved daughter I must inform you that a third world war is about to unfold in the world. My tears flow this morning as you can see.* The Second Seal is about to unfold as foretold to John the Evangelist in the Book of Revelation. It will start in Europe. Your banking system will be the cause and Germany, once again, will be involved in this tragedy as it was on the last two occasions. When it commences much will be over saving the economy and catastrophe will affect Greece with much fallout in France. The Middle East will also be involved with Israel and Iran at war and Syria will play a serious part in the downfall of Egypt. My daughter I wake you to tell you this, not to frighten you, but to urge much prayer for Europe at this time.
Because of war and lack of money, much of the harvest will be lost and this will lead to the opening of the Third Seal which means famine. This is why I now urge all of God’s children to try to stock pile dried and non-perishable food to feed your families. It is important to grow your own harvest if possible. Remember, however, that prayer can mitigate much of this suffering. The effect of this war will be that My Catholic Church on earth will be sucked into a one world church, in the name of unification. This unification, or false peace, will become a reality after the antichrist appears to create a false peace and a so called end to the war.
This peaceful pact will involve the western world until China and Russia become involved with world matters. They will pose a threat to the ‘Beast with the Ten Horns’, Europe, and will overcome them to introduce communism.
The ‘Red Dragon’, China, already gains a strong foothold in the world because of their control of the world’s finances.
The Red Dragon and “The Bear” which is Russia do not love God. They are being led by the antichrist who is from the east and who hides behind closed doors. When these prophesies unfold the whole world will believe in these messages. There will be no doubts then. Please recite this Crusade Prayer as it will help dilute the impact of these events.
Crusade Prayer (54) Prayer to the Father to dilute impact of World War 3.
 O Heavenly Father in the name of Your Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, who suffered greatly for the sins of mankind, please help us in these difficult times we face. Help us to survive the persecution being planned by greedy rulers and those who want to destroy Your Churches and Your children. We implore You Dear Father to help feed our families and save the lives of those who will be forced into a war against their will. We love You Dear Father. We beg You to help us in our time of need. Save us from the grip of the antichrist. Help us to survive his mark, the mark of the beast, by refusing to accept it. Help those who love You to remain true to Your Holy Word at all times so that You can bestow on us the graces to survive in Body and Soul. Amen.
 My daughter, I realize that this news may come as a shock but remember that prayer and the Seal of the Living God Crusade Prayer number (33) will protect My followers. My Remnant Church, you My children, will survive although it will not be easy. You will be bullied because of your Christianity but you will never denounce Me or reject Me. For this you will be given gifts. My Gift of the Seal of the Living God will render you invisible to your enemies. Recite it every day from now on. Keep it before you in your homes and have it blessed by a priest. (see p.1)
Begin your preparation soon for the day of the fallout in Europe is not far away.
Your Jesus                *Note : When Maria was taking down this message a wet tear rolled down the photo of Jesus in front of her. Virgin Mary- My visionaries in the world will be instructed to pray in order to avert the dangers associated with a world war.  Wednesday, May 16th, 2012 @ 09:00 am
My child please try to remain strong in this work for my Son. It is important that all those who believe in the Truth of the Holy Word, being given to the world at this time, remain calm. Your duty is to respond to my beloved Son’s instructions. Prayer and trust in my Son will bring about your salvation. The gift of the Seal of the Living God will be your biggest protection at a time of war or strife. By pledging allegiance to God the Father, through the acceptance of this free gift, you will remain free. Never forget the power of prayer and how it can dilute the impact of such events.
Sadly, many of these events must come to pass for they have been prophesized. Children, I call on all those who revere me, your Blessed Mother, to understand that this is calling from Heaven. All my visionaries in the world will be instructed to pray in order to avert the dangers associated with a world war. You must persevere in your suffering and offer it as a gift to God the Father. My daily Rosary is important at this time no matter what Christian Church you belong to. You must recite it because it offers protection to those nations who say it daily and in great numbers.
Pray, pray, pray for Europe at this time and turn to my Son and ask Him for the strength, courage and perseverance required to retain your trust in God. Your beloved Mother - Queen of Heaven and Earth - Mother of Salvation
Virgin Mary: This Seal was foretold in the Book of John  Thursday, May 17th, 2012 @ 08:50 am My child, God’s children will be able to protect their faith, their courage and their safety during any war if they continue to pray the Seal of the Living God Crusade Prayer. This is one of the last, and the greatest Seal of Protection, sent from the Heavens of all prayers given to humanity. It is to help sustain all during any future persecution, especially at times of domination and war. This Seal was foretold in the Book of John and has many divine powers associated with it. Cherish it and use it to protect, not only yourselves, but your families. This reminder is needed at this time.
Go in peace.  Your Beloved Mother - Mother of Salvation A Pledge of allegiance to the Divine Will of God the Father  Wednesday, June 13th, 2012 @ 04:00 pm
My dearly beloved daughter just as My Eternal Father bequeathed the Great Gift to humanity of His Seal so, too, must His children pledge their allegiance to His Divine Will. I ask all of God’s children who will march forth in His army to help save the souls of all God’s children, including hardened sinners, to take this pledge:
Crusade Prayer (59)
 A Pledge of Allegiance to the Divine Will O God the Most High, O Heavenly Father, I pledge to You my firm allegiance to honor and obey You in all things united to Your Divine Will on earth. I, through the Sacred Blood of Your only beloved Son, the True Messiah, offer You my mind, my body and my soul on behalf of all souls so that we can unite as one in Your Heavenly Kingdom to come, so that Your Divine Will is done on earth as it is in Heaven. Amen.
You must pledge your souls to My Heavenly Father as a token of your Faith and in memory of My Death on the Cross so that each of you will drink from the Cup of Salvation.  
Your Jesus Message from July 6th, 2012 (excerpts) - Pray, My followers, for the courage and the fortitude to deal with thee chastisements. You must never fear them for you, My army, will pray for those, those nations and help in the needed purification for the conversion of humanity.
The Seal of the Living God will protect each and every one of you. Message of God the Father from Sunday, July 15th, 2012 (excerpts) - Never fear because those with the Seal of the Living God are not only protected but are given the graces to defend the Word of God so that as many souls as possible will be given the Gift of Life. Jesus reveals Plenary Indulgence for total absolution   Tuesday, January 31st, 2012 @ 09:30 pm  My dearly beloved daughter how I rejoice at the love shown to Me by My precious followers whose love is so closely entwined with My Sacred Heart.
I delight in My loyal children whose love for Me brings Me such joy amidst My pain. They are the light that bring Me the strength needed to lead My army. These, My chosen children, believe that it has been their faith alone that has brought them to Me. What they do not realize is that My Holy Spirit descended upon them, especially on those with open hearts, so that they could join My remnant Church on earth. They, My beloved followers, who show obedience, determination of will and pure love in their souls will be the foundation upon which I will now rebuild My church on earth.
My army, through their love for Me, will be given very special graces now. I grant them this Plenary Indulgence to enable them carry My torch of fire so that they can spread conversion. This gift from me will enable them to spread the truth of My Holy Word so that it will touch hearts everywhere they go. They must say this prayer for seven consecutive days and they will be given the gift of total absolution and the power of the Holy Spirit.
(24) Crusade Prayer: Plenary Indulgence for Absolution
Go forth in peace My beloved followers and remember that your love for Me enkindles My heart and brings great joy to My Eternal Father, My Blessed Mother, the angels and all the saints in Heaven. I love you all. I await the moment when I will embrace each and every one of you in My arms so that you will find the peace, love and joy that you have been awaiting for all your lives on earth. - Your Beloved Jesus Christ Fornication, pornography and prostitution all mortal sins  Thursday, February 9th, 2012 @ 03:00 pm (excerpts)
I talk about fornication so easily accepted in the world today, participating in and viewing pornography, prostitution and sexual abuse. I refer to hatred for others as well as those who cause pain and misery to those less fortunate than themselves. So, too, is the sin of idolatry where you worship material goods above everything else yet they are nothing but ashes…
Then it becomes very difficult to free yourself from the grip placed upon you by the king of darkness. Wake up children. Be aware of the existence of Hell and be very fearful of entering the gates of eternal damnation. I tell you this not to frighten you but to ensure that you understand that mortal sin will lead you there unless you turn back to Me now. Prayer and much of it will be needed to turn back to Me but hear this.
If those of you who are desperate, sorrowful and feel helpless because of the abyss of sin you are in I will forgive you. You must show true remorse and go to confession now. If you cannot go to confession then say My (24) Crusade Prayer for a Plenary Indulgence for Absolution for a period of seven consecutive days. The admin-team of the published the following information about the correct download of the "Seal of the Living God": Seal of Living God available in different languages ) 2012-05-22 11:05:12 admin. The Seal of the Living God is being designed and replicated in a number of different languages including German, Polish, French, Hungarian, Portugese, Spanish and Japanese to begin with. As soon as they are ready they will be uploaded through a link on our home page. Please note that the Seal which is COMPLETELY FREE OF CHARGE can only be downloaded from this website ( = irrespective as to which language it is in. We are arranging for the Seals to be blessed by a priest before they are uploaded in all languages. Thank you for your patience. Check back with us soon. Admin Team

Only those with the Seal of the Living God will escape this form of genocide of the soul

Thursday, April 4th, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, you must not listen to those who question, challenge and sneer at My Messages. It is not necessary to defend My Most Holy Word. My Word is final and no man has the authority to question it. You either accept Me, or you don’t.
While Christians fight amongst themselves over these Messages, which were prophesied so long ago, they treat each other as enemies. You cannot be an enemy to your brother or sister and call yourself My disciple. While you are so busy shouting amongst yourselves, the biggest enemy, Satan’s armies are planning the most evil atrocities, ever witnessed by humanity since the creation of Adam and Eve.
The wars I spoke about are to commence and the plan will be to wipe out populations. You may think that these wars are between one nation and another, but you would be wrong. The weapons will come from only one source.
My poor children of God, how little you know of the terrible acts, which are being plotted by Masonic sects at the highest levels against God’s children. Their wickedness would be impossible for you to imagine, but recognize these signs. When your banks take away your freedom, your homes and your ability to feed your families, this will be just one part of their plan against humanity. You will become slaves, but those who pay allegiance to Me and My Teachings and who remain loyal to Me, must never forget My Mercy.
While these revelations may be frightening, they are the Truth. By being prepared for these acts against God’s Creation, you will help, through your prayers, to mitigate much of the suffering, which these evil sects will inflict upon you.  While your prayers will dilute the impact of such atrocities, they will, if handed over to Me with love in your hearts, be used to save those guilty of such terrible deeds.  And while these misguided and cold-hearted souls continue to defy Me, by trying to eradicate the world’s populations, I will try to enlighten their hearts so that they will walk away from this terrible bond with Satan. Many are completely possessed by the evil one and for some there is little hope. Only a miracle granted by My Mercy, in union with those who offer Me the gift of suffering, can save them.
Those amongst you who curse Me, through your cruel rejection of Me, will beg Me for Mercy when these events occur. When you are forced to suffer and accept the mark of the beast, or die, you will scream out for Me. Then you will scramble to find the Seal of the Living God, which I give to the world through My Father in these Messages – but by then it will be too late. Only those who accept the Seal, keep it in their homes, or carry it on them will be protected. Only those with the Seal of the Living God will escape this form of genocide of the soul.
Do not doubt, for one minute, My Messages given to you now. Accept My Divine Intervention, for I only want to save you. The battle for souls is of such magnitude, that were I not to intervene, through the prophets, many of you would side with the beast and all of his followers, who appear before you as wolves in sheep’s clothing.
Satan is extremely cunning, and would never present his evil deeds for what they are. No, instead, he will present them as being good, inspiring and very much in your interests. This is the trap he sets. This is how he lures well-meaning innocent souls into his lair. The way Satan will reveal himself, through these poor souls he manages to win over, will be through the sin of pride. The sin will, in its most wicked form, be seen within those people in high places, who will destroy others for their own selfish gain. At the bottom of the scale the sin of pride will be witnessed amongst you when you judge others, bad-mouth them and then try to ruin their character, as well as damage their reputation, in My Name.
I tell you these sad facts, so that I can prepare you, arm you with My Loving Protection, so that I can help save even those who will march across the earth in order to devour it.
Your Jesus

My dearly beloved daughter, when the time comes for the beast to reveal the antichrist, great signs will be seen. Thunder, as it has never been heard before, will be felt in many parts of the world, but in particular, the part where the antichrist was born.
By then My Holy Spirit, poured out amongst My followers, in all of My Christian Churches, will ensure that they are ready. They, along with My disciples from this Mission will form the Remnant Church. Their power will be great and no harm will come to those with the Seal of the Living God. Their power will come from the Prayers given to them by My Mother and in the Crusade Prayers.
The antichrist will begin his reign gently. No one will suspect his intent because a peace of sorts will descend over the Earth. This time will be very important for you, My Remnant Army, to gather in Prayer Groups. I solemnly promise that these Prayers will dilute much of the terrible deeds that he, the antichrist, will inflict on nations covering the four corners of the Earth.
I will grant reprieves to all those nations where Prayer Groups are set up. It will be by your devotion to Me, your beloved Jesus, that I will save souls and pour out more Gifts upon humanity, in order to protect God’s children against the suffering which the beast is plotting.
Trust in Me. Be at peace in the knowledge that you are being guided and protected.
Your Jesus